Bandmedlem: 1980 Freestyle - Running Away ()
1981 Free Style - Fantasi (Sång, elpiano)
1981 Midway - Ta Mig Med (Upphov)
1982 Free Style - Fantasy (Sång, keyboards)
1982 Freestyle - I Want You (Sång, keyboards)
1982 Freestyle - Modiga Agenter (Sång, synt)
1983 Style - So Chic (Sång, keyboards)
1984 Style - Visioner (Keyboard, trumprog, kör, producent)
1985 Security - Total Destruction (Keyboards, effekter)
1986 Style - Heaven No 7 (Sång, keyboards, producent)
1987 Style - Daylight Robbery (Sång, keyboards, producent)
1988 Style - Question Of Time (Sång, keyboards, syntbas)
1989 Håkansson - When Your Heartache Is Over (Sång)
1990 Tommy Ekman - Tommy Ekman (Sång, keyboards, percussion, producent)
1991 Tommy Ekman - Om Sanningen Ska Fram (Producent, mm?)
1992 Tommy Ekman - För Hennes Ögons Skull (Sång, producent)
Studio/gästmusiker: 1982 Gigi Hamilton - My Coo Ca Choo (Keyboards, trummor, kör)
1982 Rodney Ohman - Du Är Rädd (Keyboards)
1983 S.T.O.P. - Don't Stop (Kör, producent)
1984 Neon Leon and the Bondage Babies - Girls, Guns & Money (Synt)
1984 Niclas Wahlgren - Niclas Wahlgren (Bas, keyboards, synt)
1985 Anna Book - Killsnack (Producent, arr, keyboards)
1985 Shanghai - Shanghai (Kör)
1986 Niclas Wahlgren - Tidlös (Keyboards, kör)
1986 Paul Rein - Communicate (Emulator, bas, piano, tekniker, producent)
1988 Tommy Nilsson - It! (Keyboards, producent)
1990 Christer Sandelin - Drömmer I Färg (Kör)
1990 Neopop - Talk To Me (Synt?)
1992 sandelin - Till Månen Runt Solen (Keyboards)
1993 Ankie Bagger - From The Heart (Keyboards, producent)
1993 Jerry Williams - Jerry Williams (Keyboards, producent)
Övrigt: 1982 Constrictor - U-Båtskarneval (Producent)
1983 Madeleine Uzho - Satisfied (Producent)
1983 Tara - Stockholms Gränder (Producent)
1983 The SuperEffect - The Effect Rap (Producent)
1983 Ulrica Örn - Can't Get Enough (Of Your Love) (Producent)
1984 Chris Owen - Never Gonna Love Again (Producent)
1984 Cirkus - Isabelle (Producent)
1984 Creation - Please Hold Me (Upphov, producent)
1984 Paul Rein - Min I Natt (Producent)
1984 Paul Rein - Min I Natt (Producent)
1984 Paul Rein - Sex (Producent)
1984 True Blue - How Zat (Producent)
1984 Wish - Automatic Lover (Producent)
1985 Linus Wahlgren - Svart På Vitt (Producent)
1985 Shanghai - Africa (Mix)
1986 Paul Rein - Lady-O (Producent)
1986 Pernilla Wahlgren - Attractive (Producent, keyboards, tekniker)
1986 Yoggy - It's Alright (Producent)
1989 Jerry Williams - JW (Producent, keyboards, prog)
1989 Mobile Homes - Let This Be Forever (Producent)
1989 Mobile Homes - Feeling Better (Producent)
1989 Mobile Homes - Feeling Better (Producent)
1989 Oh´Boy - Vi Går Genom Natt (Producent)
1990 Sandelin - 10 (Remix?)
1991 7even4orty7even - I Keep It To Myself (Producent)
1992 Clubland - Adventures Beyond Clubland (Tekniker)
1993 Chilly White - Honkies Pon The Case (Producent)
1993 Di Leva - Adam & Eve (Remix)
1999 Harpo - Sayonara (Remix)
Bandmedlem: Freestyle (?)
Midway (?)
Security (?)
Style (Stockholm)
Tommy Ekman (Stockholm?)
Studio/gästmusiker: Ankie Bagger (Stockholm)
Anna Book (?)
Christer Sandelin (Stockholm)
Gigi Hamilton (Stockholm)
Jerry Williams (Stockholm)
Neon Leon (Stockholm)
Neopop (Jönköping)
Niclas Wahlgren (Gustavsberg)
Paul Rein (Stockholm)
Rodney Ohman (?)
S.T.O.P. (?)
Shanghai (Södertälje)
Tommy Nilsson (?)
Övrigt: 7even4orty7even (?)
Chris Owen (?)
Cirkus (Stockholm)
Clubland ()
Constrictor (Södertälje)
Creation ()
Di Leva (Gävle)
Harpo (Stockholm)
Jerry Williams (Stockholm)
Linus Wahlgren (?)
Madeleine Uzho (?)
Mobile Homes (Stockholm)
Oh´Boy (?)
Paul Rein (Stockholm)
Pernilla Wahlgren (?)
Shanghai (Södertälje)
Supereffect ()
Tara (Stockholm)
True Blue ()
Ulrica Örn (?)
Wish ()
Yoggy (?)
CCC (?)